

  1. 眼窩内動静脈奇形の1例. 脳神経外科ジャーナル Jpn J Neurosurg 6:484-487, 1997. 江崎 孝徳、三橋 立、森 健太郎、前田 稔
  2. 術前・術後の評価としての3D-CT angiographyの有用性について-内頚動脈狭窄症における検討-. 埼玉医学会雑誌 33 (2): 282-287, 1998. 江崎 孝徳、須田 喜久夫、中村 雄三、尾原 義悦
  3. Brain glucose utilization in mice with a targeted mutation in the thyroid hormone alpha or beta receptor gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98 14; 98(17): 9913-9918, 2001. Itoh Y, Esaki T, Kaneshige M, Suzuki H, Cook M, Sokoloff L, Cheng SY, Nunez J
  4. Local and global cerebral blood flow and glucose utilization in the alpha-galactosidase knockout mouse model of Fabry disease. J Neurochem 79 (6): 1217-1224, 2001. Itoh Y, Esaki T, Cook M, Qasba P, Shimoji K, Alroy J, Brady RO, Sokoloff L, Moore DF
  5. Blockade of K(ATP) channels with glibenclamide does not alter functional activation of cerebral blood flow in the unanesthetized rat. Brain Res 948 (1-2): 56-63, 2002. Esaki T, Itoh Y, Shimoji K, Cook M, Jehle J, Sokoloff L
  6. Effects of dopamine receptor blockade on cerebral blood flow response to somatosensory stimulation in the unanesthetized rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 303 (2): 497-502, 2002. Esaki T, Itoh Y, Shimoji K, Cook M, Jehle J, Sokoloff L
  7. Dichloroacetate effects on glucose and lactate oxidation by neurons and astroglia in vitro and on glucose utilization by brain in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 (8): 4879-4884, 2003. Itoh Y, Esaki T, Shimoji K, Cook M, Law MJ, Kaufman E, Sokoloff L
  8. Inhibition of (18F)FP-TZTP binding by loading doses of muscarinic agonists P-TZTP or FP-TZTP in vivo is not due to agonist-induced reduction in cerebral blood flow. Synapse 50 (2): 151-163, 2003. Shimoji K, Esaki T, Itoh Y, Ravasi L, Cook M, Jehle J, Jagoda EM, Kiesewetter DO, Schmidt K, Sokoloff L, Eckelman WC
  9. Functional activation of cerebral metabolism in mice with mutated thyroid hormone nuclear receptors. Endocrinology 144 (9): 4117-4122, 2003. Esaki T, Suzuki H, Cook M, Shimoji K, Cheng SY, Sokoloff L, Nunez J
  10. 小動物用ポジトロンCTによるマウス/ラットのイメージングと定量評価. 映像情報 Medical 35 (12): 946-951, 2003. 外山 宏、市瀬 正則、Jeih-SanLiow, Doug Viners, Frederick Chin, Victor Pike, 江崎 孝徳、下地 一彰、et al
  11. Measurement of cerebral glucose metabolic rates in the anesthetized rat by dynamic scanning with 18F-FDG, the ATLAS small animal PET scanner, and arterial blood sampling. J Nucl Med 45 (4): 665-672, 2004. Shimoji K, Ravasi L. Schmidt K. Soto-Montenegro ML, Esaki T, Seidel J, Jagoda E, Sokoloff L, Green MV, Eckelman WC
  12. Absolute quantification of regional cerebral glucose utilization in mice by 18F-FDG small animal PET scanning and 2-14C-DG autoradiography. J Nucl Med 45 (8): 1398-1405, 2004. Toyama H, Ichise M, Liow JS, Modell KJ, Vines DC, Esaki T, Cook M, Seidel J, Sokkoloff L, Green MV, Innis RB
  13. Cardiac glucose utilization in mice with mutated alpha-and beta-thyroid hormone receptors. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 287 (6), 1149-1153, 2004. Esaki T, Suzuki H, Cook M, Shimoji K, Cheng SY, Sokoloff L, Nunez J
  14. (18F)FDG mouse brain PET imaging: absolute quantification of regional glucose utilization as compared with 2-(14C)DG autoradiography. International congress series 1265: 255-261, 2004. Hiroshi Toyama, Masanori Ichise, Jeih-San Liow, Kendra J Model, Douglass C Vines, Sami Zoghbi, Takanori Esaki, Michelle Cook, et al
  15. Developmental disruption of serotonin transporter function impaires cerebral responses to whisker stimulation in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 12; 102 (15): 5582-5587, 2005. Esaki T, Cook M, Shimoji K, Murphy DL, Sokoloff L. Holmes A
  16. Partial (one-third) side-to-end hypoglossal-facial anastomosis ensures facial reanimation without tongue dysfunction. Neurosurg Q 17, number 3: 80-184, 2007​. Mori K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Okuma Y, Osada H, Esaki T
  17. Surgical management for glossopharyngeal neuralgia associated with cardiac syncope: two case reports. Br J Neurosurg 21 (6): 599-602, 2007. Esaki T, Osada H, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Maeda M, Miyazaki T, Sumiyoshi M, Mori K
  18. シャント・第3脳室開窓術術後トラブル. Brain Nursing 24 (2): 53-57, 2008. 下地 一彰、山本 宗孝、宮嶋 雅一、新井 一、江崎 孝徳
  19. 未破裂脳動脈瘤に対するovernight手術を目標としたKeyhole clipping術の開発. 脳卒中の外科 Surg Cereb Stroke (Jpn) 36: 50-57, 2008. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、長田 秀夫、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、渡辺 瑞也、本間 圭一郎
  20. Lateral supraorbital keyhole approach to clip unruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 51 (5): 292-297, 2008. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Oyama K, Esaki T, Watanabe M, Nonaka S, Hara T, Honma K
  21. 塞栓性大脳半球梗塞に対する早期外減圧術の有効性. 脳卒中 Jpn J Stroke 30: 674-681, 2008. 長田 秀夫、森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、渡邉 瑞也
  22. 脳血管障害におけるドクターヘリの役割. Neurosurg Emerg 13: 143-150, 2008. 江﨑 孝徳、長田 秀夫、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、大山 一孝、丹下 祐一、森 健太郎
  23. Pterional keyholeによる未破裂中大脳動脈瘤clipping術-3次元CT angiographyとosteosotmy techniqueによる術前planningの重要性-. 脳卒中の外科 Surg Cereb Stroke (Jpn) 36: 475-481, 2008. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、本間 圭一郎、大山 一孝、江崎 孝徳、丹下 祐一
  24. Initial Clinical Experience of Vasodilatory Effect of Intra-cisternal Infusion of Magnesium Sulfate for the Treatment of Cerebral Vasospasm After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurologia medico-chirurgica 49: 139-144, 2009. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Osada H, Hara Y, Oyama K, Esaki T
  25. 翻転可能な人工硬膜付き3次元立体頭蓋底モデル. 脳神経外科ジャーナル Jpn J Neurosurg 18: 758-764, 2009. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江﨑 孝徳、三留 有美子
  26. ドクターヘリ出動後に着陸地点を変更した事例の検討. 日本航空医療学会雑誌 10 (2): 87, 2009. 卯津羅 雅彦、大森 一彦、小松 淳、江崎 孝徳、矢田 麻夏、松尾 正人、森島 克明
  27. 人工椎骨動脈付き3次元立体頭蓋底モデルを用いたfar lateral approach、顆窩経由法(transcondylar fossa approach)、後頭顆経由法(transcondylar approach)の比較検討. 脳神経外科 38: 243-250, 2010. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江﨑 孝徳
  28. Malignant Transformation 20 Years After Partial Removal on Intracranial Epidermoid Cyst-Case Report-. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50: 236-239, 2010. Nakao Y, Nonaka S, Yamamoto T, Oyama K, Esaki T, Tange Y, Mori K, Wada R
  29. Lateral supraorbital keyholeを用いた前交通動脈瘤のclipping術. 脳卒中の外科 Surg Cereb Stroke (Jpn) 38: 161-167, 2010. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江﨑 孝徳
  30. Development of artificial cranial base model with soft tissues for practical education: technical note. Neurosurgery 66 (6 Supple Operative): 339-341, 2010. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  31. Surgical Simulation of Extradural Anterior Clinoidectomy through the Trans-superior Orbital Fissure Approach Using a Dissectable Three-dimensional Skull Base Model with Artificial Cavernous Sinus. Skull Base 20: 229-236, 2010. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  32. Efficacy of low-dose tissue-plasminogen activator intracisternal administration for the prevention of cerebral vasoapasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. World Neurosurg 73(6): 675-682, 2010. Yamamoto T, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Mori K
  33. 被殻出血における内視鏡下血腫除去術. 脳卒中 Jpn J Stroke 32: 595-601, 2010. 山本 拓史、江崎 孝徳、中尾 保秋、森 健太郎
  34. Hinge型減圧開頭術の有効性及び適応についての考察. 神経外傷 Neurotraumatology 33: 233-240, 2010. 江﨑 孝徳、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、森 健太郎
  35. Optimal cerebrospinal fluid magnesium ion concentration for vasodilatory effect and duration after intracisternal injection of magnesium sulfate solution in a canine subarachnoid hemorrhage model. J Neurosurg 114 (4): 1168-1175, 2011. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Koike N, Sakamoto S, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  36. Temporal Profile of the Effects of intracisternal injection of Magnesium Sulfate Solution on Vasodilation of Spastic Cerebral Arterires in the Canine SAH Model. Acta Neurochir Suppl 110: 39-42, 2011. Mori K, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  37. Possible Nuero-Sweet Disease Mimicking Brain Tumor in the Medullo Oblongata. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 51: 140-143, 2011. Akiba C, Esaki T, Ando M, Furuya T, Noda K, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Okuma Y, Mori K
  38. Use of (18F)fluorodeoxyglucose and the ATLAS small animal PET scanner to examine cerebral functional activation by whisker stimulation in unanesthetized rats. Nucl Med Commun 32 (5): 336-342, 2011. Ravasi L, Shimoji K, Soto-Montenegro ML, Esaki T, Seidel J, Sokoloff L, Schmidt K
  39. Surgical Simulation of Cerebral Revascularization Via Skull Base Approaches in the Posterior Circulation Using Three-Dimensional Skull Model With Artificial Brain and Blood Vessels. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 51: 93-96, 2011. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  40. Tailor-made keyhole clipping術による安全な未破裂脳動脈瘤の治療. 脳卒中の外科 Surg Cereb Stroke (Jpn) 39: 89-95, 2011. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江﨑 孝徳
  41. 被殻出血における機能予後改善を目指す内視鏡下血腫除去術. 脳神経外科ジャーナル Jpn J Neurosurg 20: 734-740, 2011. 山本 拓史、江崎 孝徳、中尾 保秋、森 健太郎
  42. 経上眼窩裂硬膜外前床突起切除術-3次元立体頭蓋底モデルを用いた解説を中心に-. 脳神経外科ジャーナル. Jpn J Neurosurg 20: 914-921, 2011. 森 健太郎、山本 拓史、中尾 保秋、江﨑 孝徳
  43. Effect of intrathecal magnesium sulfate solution injection via a microcatheter in the cisterna magna on cerebral vasospasm in the canine subarachnoid hemorrhage model. Br J Neurosurgery 26: 64-68, 2012. Mori K, Yamamoto T, Miyazaki M, Hara Y, Aiko Y, Koike N, Sakamoto S, Nakao Y, Esaki T
  44. Individualized Pterional Keyhole Clipping Surgery based on a Preoperative Three-Dimensional Virtual Osteotomy Technique for Unruptured Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 54 (5-6): 207-213, 2011. Mori K, Esaki T, Yamamoto T, Nakao Y
  45. Unusual case of trigeminal neuralgia caused by remote effect of dermoid cyst in the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 115: 339-341, 2013. Esaki T, Harada Y, Nakao Y, Yamamoto T, Mori K
  46. Trigeminal neuralgia caused by venous angioma. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 53: 40-43, 2013​. Yamamoto T, Suzuki M, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Mori K
  47. 転帰からみた重症頭部外傷の現状及び死亡要因と転帰不良要因の解析:頭部外傷データバンク【プロジェクト2009】から. 神経外傷 Neurotraumatology 36: 105-111, 2013.江﨑 孝徳、秋山 理、中尾 保秋、山本 拓史、卯津羅 雅彦
  48. Preliminary experiences with near-infrated fluorescence image-guided meningioma removal after embolization with indocyanine green and Eudragit in ethanol solution: green embolizatrion technique. Innovative Neurosuregry 1 (2): 10, 2013. Kentaro Mori, Hidenori Ohishi, Munetaka Yamamoto, Takuji Yamamoto, Yasuaki Nakao, Takanori Esaki, Kentaro Kudo and Kohsuke Teranishi
  49. Posterior Auricular Artery-Middle Cerebral Artery Bypass: A Rare Superficial Temporal Artery Variant With Well-Developed Posterior Auricular Artery: Case Report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 54: 841-844, 2014. Tokugawa J, Nakao Y, Kudo K, Iimura K, Esaki T, Yamamoto T, Mori K
  50. 脊髄障害患者の深部静脈血栓症 当院での最近の頻度. 日本脊髄障害医学会誌 The Journal of the Japan Medial Society of Spinal Cord Lesion 27 (1): 148-149, 2014. 江﨑 孝徳、安倍 基幸、野々村諭香、村川孝次
  51. Preventive effect of continuous cisternal irrigation with magnesium sulfate solution on angiographic cerebral vasospasms associated with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhages: a randomized controlled trial. J Neuorosurg 124 (1): 18-26, 2016. Yamamoto T, Mori K, Esaki T, Nakao Y, Tokugawa J, Watanabe M
  52. 回復期リハビリテーション病棟に入院した脳血管障害患者の深部静脈血栓症. 脳卒中Jpn J Stroke 38: 8-13, 2016. 江﨑 孝徳、野々村諭香、白石哲也、安倍 基幸、野々村諭香、村川孝次